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Francesco Paolo Tosti >>>
war ein zu seiner Zeit populärer italienischer Sänger, Pianist und Komponist.

Er wurde vom italienischen Opernkomponisten Saverio Mercadante unterrichtet und war mit Enrico Caruso befreundet. Die Neapolitanische Volksmusik verdankt ihm viele klassisch gewordene Lieder.

geboren am: 09.04.1846 in Ortona .Provinz. Chieti, vor 178 Jahren
gestorben am: 02.12.1916 in Rom , vor 108 Jahren ... im Alter von 70 Jahren

Nationalität: italienisch
Wikipedia: Francesco_Paolo_Tosti

________ ausgewählte Werke: ____________________

1846-04-09 - 1916-12-02 Lied - A vucchella
A vucchella is a Neapolitan song composed by Paolo Tosti. The poet who wrote the words of this song was the 19th century lyric poet, Gabriele D Annunzio. He was not from Naples, but from a city in the region of Abruzzo. With the Neapolitan melodic song tradition being so popular worldwide, D*Annunzio wanted to prove himself able to write in the Neapolitan dialect, and managed to do so quite convincingly for this song, "La vucchella" However, critics wonder what he actually meant with the expression *your rose-like withered little mouth*.[who?] One interpretation is that the woman*s mouth is like a little rose*s petal when it becomes a bit dried out and battered in the cold weather.[citation needed] The poet has turned his gaze on the woman*s face and focussed on the woman*s mouth, specifically. "A vucchella" is thus a synecdoche - the part for the whole.[1]

_______ ausgewählte Lebensereignisse: ___________________

______ Zeiten Orte Länder ______
1846-04-09 Ortona .Provinz. Chieti Land Francesco Paolo Tosti geboren
1916-12-02 Rom Land Francesco Paolo Tosti gestorben

Personenreport vom 2024-04-20

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