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John Dowland >>>
war ein englischer Komponist des elisabethanischen Zeitalters.

geboren am: 01.01.1563 in London, vor 461 Jahren
gestorben am: 20.02.1626 in St Anne, Blackfriars, London , vor 398 Jahren ... im Alter von 63 Jahren

Profession: KomponistIn
Nationalität: englisch
Wikipedia: John_Dowland

________ ausgewählte Werke: ____________________

1597 Lied - Come Again: Sweet Love Doth Now Invite
"Come Again, sweet love doth now invite" is a song by John Dowland. The lyrics are anonymous. The song is bitter-sweet, typical of Dowland who cultivated a melancholy style. It was included in Dowland s First Booke of Songes or Ayres, which appeared in 1597. The piece is often performed as a lute song by soloist and lute, but, like other songs in the First Booke, it is printed in a format that can also be performed as a madrigal by a small vocal group (typically SATB).

_______ ausgewählte Lebensereignisse: ___________________

______ Zeiten Orte Länder ______
1563 London John Dowland geboren
1626-02-20 St Anne, Blackfriars, London John Dowland gestorben

Personenreport vom 2024-04-23

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